All of the traditional favorites were in place for E's Sunday School Christmas program. Darling little ones dressed as shepherds, wisemen, and Mary and Joseph; paper bags with Christmas goodies like nuts, hard candies and oranges; and parents with cameras in one hand and video cameras in the other!

E and his very good friend E were excited and ready to perform.

N was determined to weasel his way into the show. He wasn't too pleased when we told him he had to wait one more year for his turn.

E gave me the thumbs up when he headed over to the backstage area.

I just love the expression on his face in this picture.
The program went very well. We were excited to see that E knew the words and sang! He's also taken a liking to being in the spotlight. Check out the video below to see our little performer elbow his way to the front row! (Thanks to the O family for this video clip!)
Merry Christmas!!!
Wow Erik, you are hilarious! Next time, we hope you're able to get that microphone.
You just wanted to be by your friend, right!!!Precious!! Great singing - I could hear every word. G & G L.
Very cute! Our kids sang the same song for their program too. Luke was front and center boppin' away to the beat of the music.
Oh, that was cute!
i think that he wants to hold the mic like a choralier!
Good Job E. Of course you wanted to stand between those two pretty little girls instead of the back row where you couldn't see. I think you are just warming up to be a great ring bearer!
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