It's been too cold to play outside, and actually, too cold to even run errands around town. With Kindermusik and playgroup canceled this week, we've been filling our days with play doh and art projects. N has been painting and learning to use a scissor on his own. Here's a look at his masterpiece in progress . . .

N loves to paint. Here's a little watercolor project.

When it comes to cutting, Scooby has a unique approach to using a scissor. He opens the scissor, places the paper between the blades, holds the top of the scissor with his right hand, and then . . .

pinches the blades closed with his left! It produces a lovely fringe effect!
I see a scrapbooker!
Oh my goodness, Scooby, you are tooooo cute. Miss you. G.L.
Cute pictures. Stay warm. Stay busy!
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