Monday, February 16, 2009


The boys received a very creative gift for Christmas - a kit for growing sunflowers! A few weeks ago, during the VERY COLD weather we experienced day after day after day after day, we cracked open the kit and decided to create a bit of Spring in our kitchen.

Here's the kit, complete with dirt, seeds, a pot and a little rake.

The boys each took a turn tilling the soil.

And then they planted the seeds.

While they were planting, I was wondering what we were going to do if those sunflowers really took off!

In the next few days, the seeds sprouted and begin to grow. They were so green and cute and really did bring a feeling of Spring and life to the dreary winter days we were experiencing. Those little sunflowers just kept growing and reached about 5 inches tall! (Unfortunately, I kept forgetting to take pictures as I had intended!)

Then we left for the weekend and came back to this.

Good bye sweet sunflowers. Your lush green leaves brought joy to our hearts and made those cold days just a little more bearable! Thank you!

2 comments: said...

Oh this makes me feel much better! That is always what happened when I would try to help the children grow plants from seeds! We need to just learn to enjoy the moment like you did instead of focusing on the end product! I loved the boys faces. They took their job so seriously.

PS: We were most successful with grass in styrofoam cups!

Brooke said...

Such a fun thing to do! I'm so ready for green things to appear!