Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Snack Time

"Anybody hungry for a snack??"

"Meet me under the kitchen table."
- Little N


E AND H said...

N - that is too funny! I actually had corn pops for breakfast today! Miss you guys. ~Jeannette, Edon and Hauk too.

Lindsay Gietzen said...

At least it landed on the rug? :)

CJ Olson said...

That's awesome!!

Andrea said...

Classic move!!! The other day I heard what sounded like rain drops on my kitchen floor. Wrong- it was just Luke and Josiah happily dancing/playing on top of an entire box of ORGANIC (and expensive) cereal spread all over the floor.

Anonymous said...

Just do it yourself! Good idea, little N. Miss you. G.L.

A M E L I A said...

Oooooh, he's just too funny! I miss you guys a lot and we are looking forward to meet you this summer! Love you! /Amelia