Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Our little N turned 3 on Friday! What a fun kid and what a fun age! I get such a kick out of the creativity that kids display - coming up with something out of nothing. Here's N peaking out the top of his latest "fort". Open a cupboard door, pull out a few drawers, and voila - a fort!

Along with this beautiful smile, N is also sporting a new nickname. For some reason, he's the nickname kid in our family. Right off the bat he was known as Webster, which was quickly shortened to Webbie. Some time after that, it drifted into Scooby and/or Scoob. Most recently, however, N's become known around our house as "Troop". Or, as his brother likes to call him, Troop Dawg!

Troop Dawg, your smile lights up our world! You also make us giggle! Like when you make up your own knock knock jokes, change the words to familiar songs just to make them silly, or like yesterday, when you asked, "Mom, did Jesus dive into water?" When I asked you what you meant you said, "You know, when Jesus dived, was it into water?" Guess we need to revisit the Easter story and make a few clarifications!

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