Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Bilingual Boy

While Henrik, Amelia and Big E hiked to the summit, Farmor, Curt and I entertained the younger two kids in the restaurant. I had a bag of "tricks & treats" along, but those things were beginning to lose their appeal for N, so . . . we made up a game with Baby Girl's Cheerios.

The premise of the game was to guess how many Cheerios were hiding under my hand, and then N would count them to find out if he was right. (Funny how the simplest little things are entertaining to a three year old!)

Anyway, the first time I lifted my hand, N saw the Cheerios and loudly and proudly started counting in . . . Spanish! Farmor looked at me laughing and said "He can count in Spanish, but not in Swedish????" Oh boy, how do I explain that Dora and Diego have had a bigger language influence on her grandsons that their Dad??? We are going to get better - I promise!!!

1 comment: said...

Maybe this will be N's claim to fame a new tv show in favorite books growing up were Snip, Snap and Snurr and Flicka Dicka and could be an take off from these Swedish books. That would make grandma happy! I love the pictures!