Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And the Answer is . . .

Baby A is Annika

Baby B is Erik
Baby C is Luke
Baby D is Noah

Seven of you guessed correctly!!!
Mike & Lynae
Joel & Holly
Sam & Lindsay
Richard & Denise
Grandpa & Grandma
Chris & Jennifer
Ben & Jodie
So we threw all the correct answers in a hat and the winner is . . .
Richard & Denise!!!!!
Ironically enough, they were the winners of our last "Who's Who" contest when Annika was born! Congratulations to all of you who guessed correctly, and most of all, thank you for sharing in our joy as we celebrate these precious gifts from the Lord!!!

1 comment:

rdljnrisbrudt.blogspot.com said...

Yeah! We won! I hope you have five children so we can see if we can win three in a row! So fun....and I hope the prize can be a chance to hold that precious little boy Luke!