Monday, December 15, 2008

E's MN Twins Party

As promised, I am finally getting around to posting some pictures from E's 4th birthday party. We celebrated his birthday over Thanksgiving because our family was gathered together at my mom and dad's. This year's party theme request - The Mighty Minnesota Twins!

E dressed up as Joe Mauer for the party - the same costume he wore for Halloween. I forgot the face paint at home, so he ended up being Joe Mauer sans sideburns. Oops!

Gotta love online shopping - I found MN Twins party supplies!

Thanks to a wonderful lady at Dairy Queen for creating this cake for E. I asked if she could do something for a baseball theme birthday and she created this stadium! It was fun and delicious.

After singing the traditional "Happy Birthday" song we continued and sang the song made famous at Inspiration Point. It begins with a morbid segment that did not impress E at all!

No problem blowing out the candles - at least not the second time around. The first round was interrupted when, out of nowhere, N rushed in and blew out the candles before E had a chance. Thankfully, lighting the candles again for a second round seemed to pacify the birthday boy.

My precious 4 year old waiting to open presents.

This air hockey game was a fun surprise for E. He got the name mixed up a bit and calls it "sky hockey". Thanks to everyone for the generous gifts and for making E's party so special! E sends his love and thanks to all!


Anonymous said...

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE - such a fun memory of a special day. G & G L.

The Erickson Family said...

Looks like a fun party!

Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

Erik, maybe we can play some 'sky hockey' over new years! I better be ready, I bet you've gotten really good at it! --uncle Brent