Tuesday, December 09, 2008

So Many Pictures, So Little TIme

Ok, so the most wonderful thing in life happens - a new baby - I should be blogging galore, right? Well, this precious little girl sure requires a lot of my time . . . and I'm loving it! Blogging, however, has taken a back seat in a big way.

So, to update you just a little bit, Miss A is a wonderfully easy going baby. She's sleeping well and is a great eater, in fact at her two week check up she weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz! Look out E & N, this little girl is going to be able to hold her own!

Here are a few pictures . . .

Cousin Z is 3 1/2 months older than A. These two little girls are going to have so much fun growing up together!!


Anonymous said...

She's sure pretty in pink!!!G & G L.

KB said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations! Thanks for your Christmas letter and picture. Your family is adorable!

Ekelund Fam said...

She is so cute you guys! Have a great first Christmas A!

CaMaTaDaLisMa said...

Oh Carrie and Henrik...she is an absolutely GORGEOUS little girl. Seriously...She's just adorable.

I'm so happy for you guys!!! Can't wait to see more pictures as she grows.

Candis Berge said...

Oh Carrie, you and Henrik have beautiful babies. It must be something in the mix between Swedish and Norwegian blood as far as I am concerned. The best of both. ha ha. :)

She is so pretty. Truly.

rdljnrisbrudt.blogspot.com said...

Wow- we just can't get enough pictures of this precious little girl!! Looking forward to the next chance to hold her!

Andrea said...

The face of a sleeping newborn is just precious. Little A is very sweet. Have so much fun this Christmas season! Hope to see you in Fergus!

The Erickson Family said...

Yay! Some new photos! She is a sweetie pie. Love the photo of her and Zoe together. They will have fun playing together in the coming years!

tanelson said...

Simply adorable! Nuff said!

Brooke said...

She is beautiful! What a fun family you have! Keep enjoying these moments!