When we first moved to Alexandria, we hoped that E would be able to enroll in a preschool in the Fall. However, we quickly found that the demand for preschool spots greatly out weighs the supply in this community. After putting his name on four waiting lists, and finding out that there was pretty much no chance of getting in, we decided to order a curriculum that we could do at home. Our schedule is flexible, and we spend about 2 1/2 or 3 months covering 1 month's worth of curriculum, but we are enjoying ourselves and having fun.
Since our folders were overflowing, we decided to take pictures of all our work, and then choose only 3 or 4 favorites to save. Here's a look at our first semester collection of projects and lessons.
Nora Lydia Murray
12 years ago
Very cute!!! Gotta love those smiles. G.L
HA! I love your closing comment; very clever.
I love it! Great job guys! I'd be interested to know where you ordered your curriculum from. I'm thinking ahead to what we'll do for preschool.
So cute! What a good idea to take a picture of all of those great projects before you choose a few to keep! It's always hard to toss projects! Do get your curriculum from Carol's Curriculum ... Jumping Kangeroo, Son Shine - it looks familiar? E and I use that too and have loved it.
Yep! It's Carol's Affordable Curriculum - Son Shine. Just love how everything is included!
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