Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Five Smiles to Celebrate Five Months!


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

Look at those adorable teeth!

Anonymous said...

And april 21 we celebrate all with the name Annika here in Sweden
Kram EvaS

Anonymous said...

Oh my, cute pictures! G.L.

ML Rusch said...

She is such a sweetheart!What great smiles!

Stacy said...

Oh, A - you are just too sweet for words!

CJ Olson said...

What a little cutie! Happy 5 Months! :-)

Candis Berge said...

Oh! It was her name day in Sweden! How cool.

She is too cute for words.

Anonymous said...

Darling pictures of your baby girl. What a delightful girl she looks to be. I love checking into your blog from time to time. Hope all is well. Blessings to you!
Krista Bailey

Kathy Garvin said...

Those smiles just melt my heart! How sweet and adorable she is.

Eric, Maralee, & Baby S said...

A is just beautiful! Her eyes are so full of life. Fun to see how she's grown and changed in her first five months. Such a cutie!!

E AND H said...

A you are so super cute. H is just drooling, looking at the computer. Oh wait - maybe it is his two little teeth (that don't seem to want to make an appearance) causing the drool! :)

Lindsay Gietzen said...

What a little sweetheart! She sure does have bright eyes and a great smile!

sevenstroms said...

the top picture is a framer!!
i love all of them! she's a doll!